Weatherbys Excursion
Seventeen excited participants of 'Everyone's a Winner' project, two Racing Welfare staff members, photorapher Regina Ray and set off on a coach from The Racing Centre on the 1st February. They arrived at about 10.30 am in Weatherbys,Wellingborough and were warmly welcomed by Amy Haxby and other staff and offered a welcome coffee/tea and biscuits.
Weatherbys Company Secretary Adrian McGlynn gave an official welcoming introductory speech about Weatherbys origins and how it has grown into the complex machine it is today.
Everyone was given an official Weatherbys name badges and a bespoke itinerary, then divided into two groups that would have the same experiences, but at different times. As the itinerary suggests we had several hours of fascinating talks, slides and demonstrations by each department before heading back to the Conference Centre for lunch.
Lunch was a tasty buffet and a rather naughty cake for desert. A nice touch which was appreciated, was all the speakers from our tour, including the Director Adrian McGlynn, sat one on each table for lunch.
An absolutely wonderful day with many of happy visitors; thank you very much Weatherbys.
Members of Everyone's a Winner by Paula Wilson and Racing Welfare thoroughly enjoyed an interesting and informative visit to Weatherbys Ltd, Wellingborough. Thank you everyone who made the trip possible, we came away very happy and very well informed.